It is very inspiring to see how some of you have consciously decided to live a more sustainable lifestyle with your kids.
Aavik Organic proudly features few of the sustainable moms who are part of the ‘Aavik Tribe’. Today, we have with us Maguelonne Rousseau, a French mom of three. She is a conscious parenting coach and a consultant for sleep talk in children. She is passionate about physical, spiritual and emotional well-being with a special interest in neuroscience and education approaches that promote healthy parents-children relationships.
Let’s hear a little about Maguelonne’s sustainable journey so far.
#aavikorganic #aaviksustainablemomsblogseries #organiccotton #naturaldyes #allergenfree #antibacterialtreatment #handwoventextiles #safefabric #noskinallergies #supportingcommunities #organicclothingforbabiesandkids #organickidswear #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion
Maguelonne says –
“Hello, my name is Maguelonne Rousseau. I am a conscious parenting coach offering group classes for parents, for helpers and nannies in Singapore. Also parent sessions and playgroups for babies and toddlers so that the community of conscious families can come together and have fun. My journey on being a conscious individual didn’t start just with Conscious Parenting, although this is what I do now and defines who I am. As a child, my grandparents had a garden where they used to grow their own fruits. I remember doing a lot of composting and learnt how to not throw the scraps from kitchen and instead use them again for composting. It has been part of my upbringing. Also, my parents were doing a lot of recycling – using a lot of things to reuse or upcycle or recycle such as glass for example. So, it didn’t really start recently for me. And then as an adult I was always trying to chose as much as possible natural stuff when I could – natural skin care, natural wear, natural food, etc. And when I became a parent, it suddenly became very important for me to be very conscious about what I was doing like choosing natural organic food for my kids. I also started to make my own natural cleaning products because I didn’t like what was available in the shops as too many chemicals was not good for my kids. Also, organic wear especially when you have very young babies or natural cloth diapers. So this has always been part of my life and I know there are areas where I can definitely improve. I explain to my kids that what we do has an impact on our lives, on people around us, on nature and our planet. So in terms of organic wear, it is very important when you think about that a big part of your baby’s body or your kid’s body is going to touch the clothes on their bodies. Sometimes we don’t realise how much pollutant our skin can absorb – so what you wear is very important. Hence, choosing natural fibres, natural materials, organic wear and natural dyes is the best. So, for me what’s important is when you understand the options you have and knowing where you want to go – this is when you can help to make conscious choices and informed choices. Thank you!”