Founder Thoughts...
It is sad to look at the garment industry that has been exploiting all of us by providing cheap, low quality, often blended & not pure...
Founder Thoughts...
Sadhguru talks about importance of organic clothing, especially for children...
Meet our latest member who joins the Aavik tribe - 'Cuddly' the cat in 'The Way You Are' collection
'Aavik Sustainable Moms' Series - 4
'Aavik Sustainable Moms' Series - 3
‘Aavik Sustainable Moms’ Series - 2
‘Aavik Sustainable Moms’ Series - 1
Let's explore our beautiful nature
The clever rat who started this world
The famous blind rabbit
Zoozee, the plant eater zebra
Did you know this about Seahorses?
The endangered Albatross
Woolly, the baby mammoth